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  • NASA and China Competing for “Near Space” Drones

    During the cold war in the late 1950’s, the United States of America and the Soviet Union began what was known as the Great Space Race.  Both countries were competing to achieve greatness in the Next Frontier, outer space.  The race went back and forth between the two giants, culminating with the US’s successful landing... Read More

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  • Drones Get a Clear View of the Tragic Crane Disaster in New Orleans

    Earlier this month, the city of New Orleans was the victim of yet another tragedy.  The city proved it’s resilience after completely rebuilding in the wake of the mass destruction left by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  It has been almost 15 years since that disastrous storm, and much of the city shows little signs of... Read More

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  • Ethiopian Farmers to Begin Using Drones to Increase Their Crop Production

    With a population of 108 million people, Ethiopia is the second most populated country in Africa.  Agriculture employs 80% of the population and contributes to 45% of the nation’s economy.  However, because of the rapid population growth, limited access to fertilizers, small farm plots, and the need for most farmers to grow food just to... Read More

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  • Fotokite “Drone” to Help Firefighters Battle Blazes

    Drones have been proven to be useful tools in emergency situations like fires.  They are able to provide firefighters and emergency responders with a situational awareness without putting any further lives at risk.  A drone can safely fly over a fire and relay critical information to ground workers via a live feed camera.  The cameras... Read More

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  • Drones Aiding In Clean Up After “Bomb Cyclone” hits New England

    New England is known for having short humid summers, brisk colorful autumns, snow filled winters, and chilly springs.  The area tends to get an even amount of rain throughout the year along with heavy snow storms and an elongated winter.  There are the occasional freak storms like the one that happened in May of 2006... Read More

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  • Missing Boy & Dog Found Safe With Help From a Thermal Sensing Drone

    It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of missing persons reported each year in the United States.  Todd Matthew, director of the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NAMUS) said “In 2012, we had 661,000 cases of missing persons, and that’s just from that one year. Very quickly, 659,000 of those were canceled. So that means those... Read More

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  • Colleges and Schools Starting to Offer Drone Classes

    More and more industries continue to embrace the potential behind using drones in their daily operations.  The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International recently released a study that predicted drones to create more than 100,000 jobs in the United States between 2015 and 2025, an increase of $13.7 billion for the American economy.  It is because... Read More

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  • Conservationists Using Drones to Safely Monitor Wildlife

    Once again, drones are proving to be useful tools in fields that may surprise some.  Wildlife conservationist are part of a small group of dedicated individuals that hope to preserve wildlife and the environments that support them.  They also aim to study these animals in nature as much as possible to better understand them.  It... Read More

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  • The Benefits of Using Drones For Roof Inspections

    As any homeowner or building owner will attest, worrying about roof damage is a major concern.  When it comes to roof damage, small issues can easily become major problems.  The roof of a home or building takes the largest brunt of mother nature’s wrath, so much so that even a well installed roof is subject... Read More

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  • Porsche and Boeing Team Up to Create a Drone Taxi

    Drones were once a tool strictly used by military forces.  Then they became toys for those who could afford expensive gadgets, or hobbyist with a penchant for electronics.  Now their prices have dropped so dramatically that almost anyone can afford a drone of some type.  Drones are being used all over the world for countless... Read More

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