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  • Drones Rescue Residents From Hawaii Eruption

    Drones have become much more than just fun toys to fly around.  They are being used in emergency situations such as search and rescue operations.  Recently, new uses are being discovered for drones that seem like they are straight out of a movie. Earlier this week, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) used a drone... Read More

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  • Artists Are Now Creating Artwork With Drones

    While Leonardo Da Vinci was painting his master piece “The Mona Lisa”, he was also creating a book called The Flight Of Birds. The Flight of Birds is a 35,000 word book that showed how man could one day control flight. Da Vinci illustrated his work with diagrams that showed a simple flying machine, plus... Read More

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  • South African Government to Use Drones on Construction Sites

    South Africa construction workers who may have thought about breaking the law, should think twice. They will now be monitored by drones. The Department of Infrastructure Development at Gauteng, launched a fleet of drones to monitor construction projects to make sure all employees are following the law. The first drone was launched on May 21st... Read More

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  • Startup at MSU Uses Drones to Boost Rural Internet Access

    Conor Ferguson, a recent graduate of the Mississippi State University Engineering Department has lead a team of students and alumni to create a company that can help improve internet reception in rural areas through out the world. They named their company WISPr Systems, which is now valued at $2 million. WISPr Systems offers wireless connectivity... Read More

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  • Researchers Develop Fly-Size Drone

     A group of researchers at a U.S university have built the first ever wireless fly sized drone that is capable of flying into areas where regular drones are inaccessible.  It’s call RoboFly, and is a major technological development in the drone industry.   It was created by members of the Department of Mechanical Engineering’s Autonomous... Read More

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  • Delivery Drone Program in Ohio to Handle Package Delivery From Vans

    Commercial businesses have been using drones for different purposes in the last years. Many companies such as Amazon, Airbus and many more have been planning drones deliveries for sometime now, while a small group are actually doing it. A company called Workhorse Group is currently carrying out drone deliveries in Loveland, Ohio.  They are delivering... Read More

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  • Autry State Prison Uses Drone Detection System to Stop Contraband

     Drones have become a major problem around prisons and jails as ways to deliver contraband into the hands of inmates.  Autry State Prison in Hartfield Jackson has implemented a drone detection system to spot approaching drones to prevent them from flying into their restricted airspace. Clay Nix, a director of Georgia department of corrections,... Read More

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  • Training With Virtual Reality to Learn How to Fly Drones

    Researchers at MIT have developed a new virtual reality drone training system that allows operators to experience a virtual environment during flight training operations. The research team calls the virtual reality drone system “Flight Goggles”. The development of this new technology can significantly decrease the number of drone accidents experienced during training sessions. This also... Read More

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  • Drone Operators Earn 90% Less as The Industry Gets More Competitive

    Back in 2015, drone photography was a relatively new concept. Because of this, finding a drone operator who could take high quality photographs was not so simple. It’s easy to understand how drone operators like Andy Trench were able to make upwards of $2,000 a day. Trench, using a custom drone that he created, found... Read More

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  • Canadians Plan to Use Drones For Planting Seeds

    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) also known as drones, may soon have a new role to play in the landscaping industry in Canada. The Canadian Forest Service has decided to test out drones for planting trees. The goal is to use drones to replant forests that have been devastated by wildfires.  The Canadian Forest Service Edmonton... Read More

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