Drones & Real Estate: Facts and Frequently Asked Questions
If you live next door to a home that is currently listed for sale, there is a good chance that you’ve heard the low buzz of a drone flying overhead. Do you know what that drone is being used for? The answer is that the drone is probably used for real estate purposes. More and more, the use of drones in creating aerial photography and videos for real estate sales is becoming popular. Why is this? The answer is simple: drones, originally invented as an aerial form of target practice for military use (originally called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), are now much more accessible to the public – and the public has gotten creative in finding uses for drones & real estate.
Drones are much, much more than just fancy remote control planes!
Why are drones a good choice for use in real estate?

Below are some fun facts and arguments for you to consider when making the decision to integrate the use of drones into your real estate marketing plan.
Most home buyers begin their search online, and will spend 3 weeks looking online BEFORE reaching out to a real estate agent
In a time where EVERYTHING can be found with just a simple Google search, and most people will begin their house hunt online before employing an agent to view homes in person, it is important to put everything you’ve got into your online marketing efforts. An online real estate listing will garner 4 times more views than one without, thus increasing the chance of standing out ahead of the competition.
Drones are now an accessible option for moderately priced real estate
Before the introduction of drones into real estate, aerial photos were extremely limited. A real estate agent had the choice between a pixelated satellite image (think Google Earth), or the much more bank breaking option of photography provided by a chartered airplane or helicopter. That kind of expense was reserved for high end real estate and out of the realm of accessibility for the majority of real estate listings.
It utilizes the latest trend in real estate marketing
Let’s face it, the use of drones in real estate is extremely trendy, and probably one that is here to stay. However, it isn’t a trend that every real estate agent has added to their wheelhouse of marketing efforts just yet. In fact, only about 15 percent of agents are currently using drones.
Being early to the party and jumping on this trend is sure to set an agent apart from everyone else. Seeing how this trend doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon, those who start early will be seen as experts in the use of drones for marketing purposes.
Sometimes ground photography doesn’t “do it justice”
We’ve all seen it, a property is huge, so expansive that ground pictures just don’t work. When a property’s pictures aren’t a true reflection of what the property has to offer, it can have a negative impact on the sale of the property.
Example – a property has a lakefront, but there isn’t a way to fully frame a ground photo that illustrates the proximity of the lakefront to the home. A drone can fly over and provide an aerial view of the lake, the home, and will show how each are situated so that a true representation of the property is available.
A video can give a virtual experience that will evoke emotion
Do you want to “hook” the client, and make them feel what it is like to live in the home you want to sell? A professionally produced drone video that shows the client what it feels like when you come up the driveway might be just the ticket.
Real estate isn’t about just selling four walls and a roof. People buy with their emotions, and are purchasing a lifestyle, not just a home. If the client feels at home, chances are a purchase isn’t far behind.
Real Estate Drones: Frequently Asked Questions
By now, you are probably sold on the idea of integrating the use of drone produced videos into your marketing plan, but the question is where to begin. Here are a few frequently asked questions to consider when deciding how to navigate this process:
Should I purchase a drone, or should I employ someone to produce my aerial photography?
That is purely a personal decision. It is a good idea do your research and then weigh the pros and cons of such a decision.
Keep in mind that while drones are usually not difficult to operate, requiring only a steady hand and working knowledge of how to work the remote control, there are rules and regulations that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has put into place to ensure the safety of airspace in regards to drone operation.
Additionally, you might not have the experience needed to fully produce the professional quality video you desire. However, if you are willing to learn, it might be more cost effective in the long run to own your own drone so that production costs are less.
I will be purchasing my drone for real estate use, what else do I need to do?
You will first need to register your drone. Any drone weighing 0.55 lbs. up to 55 lbs. must be registered with the FAA in order to legally operate in US air space. You will also need to obtain a remote pilot license. More information on how to obtain your RPL can be found here.
How much does it cost to obtain my remote pilot license from the FAA?
The cost is approximately $150, and your license will be valid for 2 years.
I think I would rather employ a drone pilot to produce my aerial video. How much will it cost me?
This cost can vary. Depending on the scope of your project, and the time invested by your chosen drone pilot, you will spend anywhere from $150—$1000 per video produced. Keep in mind that a drone can produce still photography as well as video.
I get why marketing with a drone for my real estate business is important, but is there anything else I can use my drone for?
YES! There are many things that drones can be used for in real estate, including but not limited to:
- Documentation of damage from natural disaster
- Appraisal of property
- Home (Roof) inspections
- Defining property boundaries
- Master planning
Keep in mind that utilizing a drone for real estate purposes, even in non-revenue generating capacities, is considered business use and requires the use of a registered remote drone pilot.
The future of drones in real estate marketing
As you navigate the process of integrating drones into your real estate marketing strategy, keep in mind the big picture. What might seem like a costly investment now will yield a return in the long run. The future of real estate marketing lies in the use of drones, and the future is now!