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  • Travelers Insurance Company Using Drones For Assessing Damage and Claims

    After 166 years in the business, Travelers Insurance is now the second largest insurance provider for commercial property casualty and third largest personal insurance writer in the United States.  They employ over 14,000 individual agents and have headquarter offices in Hartford, CT and New York City, NY.  After Hurricane Matthew in 2016, Travelers became one... Read More

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  • DJI Release FPV (First Person Viewpoint) Accessories to their Lineup

    DJI has become the go to standard for drones.  They make some of the best drones available at a competitive price.  There is a reason why their drones are the best selling drones in the world for both commercial and hobby use.  DJI has so many drones and accessories in their arsenal, everything any drone operator... Read More

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  • Switzerland’s Medical Drone Delivery System Under Review

    Headquartered out of Bern, Switzerland the Swiss Post is the country’s second largest employer.  And they have become a world leader when it comes to logistically planning mail routes using the best of modern technologies.  They have fully embraced the idea of using drones to transport packages.  The Swiss Post has partnered with drone manufacturer... Read More

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  • Thermophotovoltaic May Be the Answer to Longer Drone Flights

    Drones are useful in so many ways, but they have their shortcomings.  The biggest problem with drones is that they cannot support a lengthy flight time.  To be able to extend a drone’s flight time it would need a bigger battery, which means the drone would have to be increased in size to support the... Read More

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  • Aptonomy Creates Drone Based Security System

    In 2014, Mihail Pivtoraiko and Siddhart Sanan founded the company Aptonomy in San Jose, CA.  Aptonomy provides clients with a drone based security system.  According to their website, “Aptonomy’s self-flying security drones are an indispensable tool for the modern wide-area security operation.”  Their drones are basically full time aerial security guards.Both Pivtoraiko and Sanan received... Read More

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  • The BBC Discusses Concerns About Drones

    After operating for 96 years the BBC is the world’s longest running national broadcasting organization.  Between news and radio broadcasts and entertainment programs the BBC plays a major role in British culture and awareness.  Recently the aired two programs about drones that are causing quite a stir, especially from drone manufacturing giant DJI.  The programs... Read More

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  • Hacker Figures Out a Way to Hijack Drones Midair

    For the last 17 years, Japan has been hosting the PacSec Applied Security Conference as “an opportunity for foreign specialists to be exposed to Japanese innovation and markets and collaborate on practical solutions to computer security issues. In a relaxed setting with a mixture of material bilingually translated in both English and Japanese, the eminent... Read More

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  • Delivery Drones Causing Headaches In Australia

    The race to who will be the first company to fully launch a commercial drone delivery system is heating up.  Amazon, Google, and Walmart are all striving to get their drones up in the air to bring their goods to customers.  In the United States logistical restrictions have continued to block this progress.  Meanwhile in... Read More

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  • New Underwater Drone Design Based off of Squid and Scallops

    Scientists have often looked to nature to aid in technical engineering, and drone engineers are no exception to this.  Many drone designs are based off creatures that fly naturally.  There are drones that mimic the body type and motions of bats, birds, and bees.  Using these creatures to inspire drone design has proven to create... Read More

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  • Throwflame Creates Flame Throwers for Drones

    Whether or not you think it is a safe idea, a drone with a 25′ flame thrower will soon be available for commercial purchase.  Well, actually it is a flame thrower that can be attached to a drone.  But it still means that drones will be able to fly around shooting flames 25′ in the... Read More

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