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  • Industries Using Drones in their Day to Day Operations

    What’s the buzz about commercial use drones? If you live in the modern world, chances are you’ve heard the word drone, and you might have even heard a few of them flying overhead. Drones have been around for nearly a century, and have quickly evolved from military aerial targets, to commercial use remote control aircraft,... Read More

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  • Drones in Popular Culture Are Now All Around Us

    Popular culture can be defined as the introduction of popular cultural norms being introduced and targeted via mass media, usually to a younger generation. It is commonly referred to as pop culture.  The use of drones has evolved over the past few years quickly, and now, anyone with a couple hundred dollars can own, and... Read More

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  • Talk of “Counter Drone Technology” – Drones and their Global Effect

    In the right hands, drones are tools that can detect forest fires and crimes in progress. They can be used to inspect structures such as pipe lines and bridges with a never tiring attention that would escape human scrutiny. They can deliver packages around the clock and take on tasks that are too dangerous for... Read More

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  • Marc Zuckerberg’s Fly-Forever Drone Internet Service

    With Mark Zuckerberg’s groundbreaking social media platform, Facebook, the world and how we interact with each other has been drastically altered. Not one to rest on his laurels of past achievement, Zuckerberg and his financial empire are looking to fly even higher and change the world yet again. On the drawing board are Mark Zuckerberg’s... Read More

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  • The History of Military Drones and How They Opened the Doors for Commercial Drones

    Military Drones vs. Commercial Drones Commercial drones were born from the era of military drones that emerged almost a century ago. The first military drone The first military drone was created back in the early 1920’s. The drone was nicknamed the “Kettering Bug”.  It was a paper-winged missile run off a Ford engine with 40... Read More

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  • The Future of Drone Camera Technology

    The use of drones, both recreationally and professionally is becoming more and more mainstream now that the use of drones is not reserved for military use only. Drones, once an almost completely inaccessible option to anyone that didn’t have the monetary resources, are now an affordable option that yields high quality technology, even on a... Read More

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  • The Truth About Drone Deliveries

    A few years back, Jeff Bezos, the president of Amazon, made a promise to its customers.  He promised delivery services by drone would become a new service, and he called it Amazon Air. But what is the truth about drone deliveries? Is it the way of the future, or just a hazard? In truth, there... Read More

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  • Drones Working Together: A Coordinated Effort

    Currently drone technology, despite all it’s potential, is limited. Software limitations hold drones to current single operation functions. They are able to operate perfectly in simple autonomous missions.  For more complex moves requiring multiple drones carrying out dedicated tasks, drones are forced to rely on human input. This puts such tasks as advanced contrition or... Read More

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  • Google is Working With the FAA to Develop Universal Drone Sensor Technology

    It is a nightmare scenario, a fully loaded 747 passenger airplane colliding with a small drone that either blinds the pilot of causes an engine malfunction leading to a crash with a large loss of life. FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) guidelines require at the moment that drones remain outside the perimeter of the flight path... Read More

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  • The Birth of Drone Racing

    As with many new technologies, it is not long before some enterprising individual finds a way to turn that technology from a tool to a form of entertainment such as racing. Sail powered boats became racing schooners in the 19th century. Horse riding led to horse racing. The car quickly became the race car.  So... Read More

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